Following a crazy May and June, that’s even tipped into the start of July, it’s that time of year where taking a break is fast approaching!
This summer break is particularly welcomed. Work has been increasingly busy with involvement in a variety of projects from clients old and new. Not one to rest on my laurels I’ve also been working with the world-renowned voiceover coach Nancy Wolfson. Her mantra of ‘its coaching that pays for itself’ is certainly enticing and for me true to date, but to practice what I preach about working hard to improve yourself, is equally important. We have a daughter at the end of her Primary School journey, that we continually talk about effort and growth not grades and where you fit on the chart of success amongst your peers!
Always strive to be the best version of yourself folks and yes, that takes effort, so give yourself a break every now and then to recharge those batteries.
I’ll be out of the office from Friday 12th to Friday 26th July inclusive.
Enjoy your summer – whatever you may be up to 🙂