As you’ll no doubt be aware there are umpteen websites out there with access to profiles of voiceover peeps worldwide. They come in many shapes and sizes (the websites that is!), often following a similar, longstanding format we’ve become accustomed to in the industry. Your landing page is usually awash with model-like headshots presenting you with the glistening of teeth rather than voices, which presumably is actually what you’re after. Then you tackle their search engine often forcing you to select things that are not so helpful perhaps; such as a very particular age-range.
And then you have the startling results! Thousands of profiles to wade through, with differing quality of demos, and sadly sometimes (if clients stories are to go by) disappointing results when the person can’t replicate said demo once you book them.
So, what’s the answer if you do want to use some kind of platform to select a voice for your project? They all claim to have a process that weeds out the less experienced and poor quality, and reassure you that talent will be able to deliver, and yet experiences tell you that’s not always the case. Cue the most common start to scripts these days….
Developed by voice actor, trainer, and demo-reel producer Guy Michaels of Voiceoverkickstart.com, Voiceover profiles is a platform with a different ethos to offer you. I’d urge you to visit the site to read for yourself what Guy’s take is on why he developed the site. You’ll immediately see the rigorous process to ensure that only experienced (vocally, technically and business) voices made it for the initial launch (just a couple of weeks ago). Only 14 of 120 applicants made it through, of which I am delighted to be one of (and this months featured voice but more about that later!). Testament to the detailed and demanding process Guy put into place to measure capabilities.
Guy will be holding quarterly applications to support the continued growth of the directory.
So why would I promote a site that points you to other voice actors? Well, it’s very simple really. I’m entirely comfortable accepting that my voice is not always the perfect fit for every project, and I’m always delighted to be able to point a client to others when that situation arises. So aside from my usual recommendations (you know who you are!) I can now – with absolute confidence – point you to a directory of quality, trusted voices within Voiceoverprofiles.com
So for starters I would encourage you to visit the site and have a look around. And in particular check in on the featured voices:
My good self: My Profile
Spanish & English speaking Alberto: Alberto’s Profile
And our audiobook guru Helen: Helen’s Profile
I hope you find it a refreshing change from how other voiceover platforms work. I certainly have.
Let me know what you think!
And of course if you want to check out a wider set of my demos have a nose around on here of course!
I look forward to hearing from you if you’d like to chat through what you think might be a suitable project to work together on.
p.s. In case you were wondering: Parker vs Elliott is simply Married vs Maiden name – that old nutshell that’s all 😉